TROW Position Closed Today

Got a message from Robinhood that our position in TROW was closed today at an average price of $70.44

We first entered TROW on 9/9/2016 @ 68.33 per share. There was a $0.54 dividend paid for each share while we owned this first stock purchase. We doubled down after a drop, doubling our number of shares at a price of $66.00 on 10/25/2016. This second purchase was after the ex-dividend date, so no dividends paid on that lot. It's okay though because about two weeks later we hit our price target which actually closed in two batches ($70.40 at the open and $70.48 about an hour later). Overall this gives us a return of 5.28% after all fees/commissions/dividends. (Hint: we actually paid no commissions on this trade thanks to Robinhood being our recommended online brokerage)

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Chris grew up in the United States but felt the world calling. After working throughout his twenties climbing the executive ladder, he left the corporate world in order to have the free time needed to focus on family more than money. Since then he has never held a regular job and spends his time honing his skills to make money grow on trees.He now travels the world with his wife and two sons.

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